I Finally Get to Wear My Purple Jacket!

I barely slept at all after the race.  I was just too excited…and sore!  So, Jason was kind enough to wake up early and head to The Paramount in Beacon Hill for breakfast!  I was craving eggs and salt which never happens to me.
This purple jacket has been in my closet for months.  I waited to wear it until after the race and I can’t tell you how special it felt.  I know it’s just a jacket, but I worked really hard for this jacket.
Anyways, we had a lovely (slow) stroll through the park after breakfast…
And made one last trip down Boylston to see the finish line!
After that, we finished packing and flew back to TN.  I was so excited to pickup our girls on the way home! 🙂
Of course, I had a glass of rose with dinner to celebrate and of course, I wore my race shirt!
I was seriously craving some pineapple after dinner, so we stopped by the market on the way home.  I’ve never tried the pineapple coconut water, but it sounds really good.
And…I made sure to schedule an order with Fountain of Juice while I was in Boston.  They delivered fresh juices to my door Tuesday night!!!
It feels so good to be home and sleep in my own bed!
Do you have any weird cravings after races?  
How long do you take off running after a marathon?  I’m going to listen to my body, but I’m sure it will be a couple of days before I’m ready to try.
What’s your favorite type of juice?  Mine is watermelon!
I can’t say enough thank you’s for all of the kind messages you’ve sent!!!!!  My heart is full!

55 thoughts on “I Finally Get to Wear My Purple Jacket!

  1. Sometimes I take a whole week off after a race, but sometimes just a few days. It really depends on how my body feels. I make sure to do a lot of yoga to keep my muscles stretching & strengthening in the meantime.

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  2. One of things that gets me across the line is thinking about what I’m going to eat when I’m done. Invariably, by the time I to get to a restaurant I’m so tired I always end up picking the first thing I see on the menu – I ordered kippers once (yuck). I then normally fall asleep halfway through the ‘celebration’ dinner!!
    Enjoy your rest days.

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  3. I usually crave salt after a race. Actually, I end up craving salt most mornings lately and I’m not sure why, I always used to want sweet. I just wait until my body says it is time to run again. Sometimes that means I run the day after a race, other times I take a week or two off. I figure the time off won’t hurt me! As long as I’m moving around, I’m ok with that! I’ve never had watermelon juice!

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  4. You have the coolest looking juices that you find!!!!! I LOVE the jacket and congrats again on such an awesome race!!! It really makes me want to run Boston!
    I usually end up taking 3 days off and then really slowly getting back into it. Like on the fourth day I do 3 easy miles and then gradually build up, but it totally depends on how I am feeling.

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  5. First off Jen let me tell you again how stinking proud I am of you and happy for you on your Boston performance and in those weather conditions … truly EPIC stuff!!! 🙂 and secondly, very smart girl keeping those legs moving post 26.2 When I ran my one and only marathon I was back to running 10 days later … in small doses of course. I recovered surprisingly quickly and was without soreness in 24 hours but I think the key was I kept moving and was religious about Epsom baths post race. The only thing I really craved was a big sloppy burger and fries and a Reese’s Big Cup ha! 😛 I like strawberry/banana juices

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  6. Congrats again on a stellar race!! Purple looks great on you!! I would wear that jacket everywhere!! 😉. We are loving pineapple here too!! We can’t get enough of it!!!
    I took about a week off after my last marathon. Mentally and physically I needed that time off. It felt great though to get back into running after that break.

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  7. I’m the same way with the jacket – I won’t wear it until after COMPLETING the marathon. You definitely earned this one. Wow.

    So glad you had a good time in Boston! Beautiful pictures of the park. I love it when they decorate the ducks. Around Christmas they get Santa hats 🙂

    (p.s. i’m all caught up on your blog! i’ve loved reading the archives and I look forward to staying up-to-date now 🙂 )

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  8. Awesome job and congrats on the race!

    Weird craving: coffee! I always want a cup as soon as I finish.

    I usually take a week off. Sometimes I’ll take five days, but never less than that. I always feel pretty beat up after racing on the roads!

    And it’s not exactly juice, but coconut water is my fave 🙂

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  9. First, congrats on the race! So happy for you. Wearing that jacket always feels so good. I still pull out my oldest one from ’07 now and again. Enjoy this week of downtime, rest, and reliving the race!

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  10. Yes for the purple jacket!!! I pre-purchased mine also, and cheated by wearing it on the plane to Boston and the few days leading up to the race. It sounds so silly to be so proud of a jacket, but we worked our tails off for these things!! Congrats to you on an awesome race! I feel like I need a support group for the post marathon blues….

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Jen, kudos to you for taking some time to recovery after a challenging effort; love seeing you walking around in that JACKET!!! GAH! So cool. I’ve only run two marathons, so I’m not sure I can speak to the recovery time; I took off about 4 days after my first one and limited myself to walking and some time on the indoor cycle at the gym. I always, always want salty things after a long run/race like that…I always figure I should make sure I’m really hydrated! Congrats again and enJOY!

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  12. I crave salt like nobody’s business after a long run like that. I’m such a salty sweater. Your jacket looks fantastic! And I don’t like taking time off after a marathon. Maybe just a day? But I find that I recover faster if I run a bit and flush my legs out.

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  13. Fountain of juice sounds so awesome.! I have a delivery like that.. my mom. haha she always brings me watermelon, melon and most recently Jamaica juice.
    Love the Boston shirt.!

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  14. I love this year’s jacket! You totally earned putting it on 🙂 I hope your legs recover quickly!! I made the mistake after my last marathon of running about 4 days afterwards. I felt good but it was still too soon and I wound up with a little injury :/ After my next marathon, I’ll be taking a full week or two off with lots of yoga instead!!

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  15. Congrats on a great race at Boston and getting to wear your jacket now! I won’t take that jacket off for days when I run Boston. I crave eggs and salt so much after races that my normal favorite breakfasts of oatmeal or whole wheat pancakes don’t appeal to me!

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  16. Jen, congratulations again on a fantastic race!! I can really feel your joy and it is so wonderful!!
    The jacket looks so good on you – enjoy, enjoy!! I think its fun that you stayed in Boston an extra day to soak it all in. Your husband seems like such a great guy!
    My last marathon I took 6 days off and really let my body guide me on what it wanted to do.
    I find that swimming and walking are great ways to keep the body moving after the pounding of a marathon.
    Have an awesome day! 🙂

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  17. I bet your doggies were happy to see you! I think you have to listen to your body and take it easy until you know you are in the clear to move forward without risking injury. I love blending watermelon chunks, lime juice and coconut water in the blender. It’s like a watermelon limeade 🙂

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  18. Thats so cool that you waited till after you finished to wear the jacket! Definitely deserved and it looks great on you! I love all kinds of juices, especially if it’s really fresh. I had a mango juice when I was in Costa Rica (they had so many types of juices at my hotel) and it was amazing! I could drink that all the time.

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  19. Well done, Jen! I saw you near the end…I was that weird girl in the blue jacket and grey cap who kept looking at you around mile 24…I so wanted to say hello but you looked so focused and I was sure you were going to BQ so I just let you get your mojo on! It was tough out there…so cold! I tore my rotator cuff (shoulder injury) 6 days before the race so I had to tough it out to finish but I’m glad I did…I wanted my medal after all those treadmill miles and mountains of Nova Scotia snow! Now we can rest up a bit and enjoy our accomplishments. A BQ at Boston is pretty special x

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