Friday Five: Boston Edition

3.  BAA Boston Marathon App.  For everyone cheering on a friend, family member, or running the race…you need to download this app!
4.  Race Advice:
You Guide to Running the Boston Marathon Like a Pro from Daily Burn…great course strategy!
Boston Marathon Course Tips for Runners from Runner’s World…great mile by mile breakdown!
Boston 365 from Fleet Feet Sports: Boston Marathon advice from Fleet Feet owners and staff
Including advice from one of my best friends, Christi Beth!!!
5.  Lastly, My Boston Goals!  Be kind…sharing race goals is a little scary!
I have started every marathon too slowly (I might be the only runner with this problem!).  Negative splits are good, but I had a 15 minute negative split in Chicago.  So, I’m going to trust my training and get into my goal pace sooner rather than later.
  • A goal: BQ (sub 3:40)
  • B goal: sub 4:00
  • C goal: finish!  If I’m having a really off day, I plan to slow down, high-five, kiss the girls, and have fun!!
I’m not a great runner…I just love to run.  I have a few nerves, but mostly I’m excited and curious for the experience.  This is BOSTON and I refuse to have a bad race!
Happy Friday to all of you and CHOOSE JOY!