He said, She said, They said

Red Head on the Run sent me the Liebster Award as a way to get to know new bloggers…super fun!


She included a list of “get to know me” questions.  I thought it would be fun to let my husband answer them about me and then give my answers, too.  Hence the “He Said, She Said” title.

1.  What is your favorite distance to run?

12 Miles (the routine maintenance run that allows you to keep running)

I love a long run…anything 20 miles and up!  For racing, I love the half marathon, because it allows for quick recovery.

2.  Tell us 2 interesting facts no one knows about you (or very few people know).

1.  Plays the violin 2.  You communicate with your Grandmothers every day.

1.  I play the violin.  2.  I used to work in the music business.  It feels like a lifetime ago!




3.  What is your favorite splurge food?

Slice of vanilla cake from Whole Foods

The carrot cake from J. Alexander’s!!!  They serve it warm and gooey.  


4.  What is your favorite running accessory?

Your husband;) Serious answer- your Garmin

Garmin 620


5.  What is your biggest hurdle as a runner?

Tapering- without a doubt!

Rest Days….I basically don’t take them.




6.  What is your favorite thing to do when you are not running?



7.  When and why did you start your blog?

A few months ago, and to share your love of life with others.

I started JenChoosesJoy in August 2014.  It gives me a wonderful creative outlet!

8.What’s your favorite season and why?

Spring, to refresh your summer running wardrobe

Summer!!!  I love the warmth.  I can seriously just sit in my hot car in the summer and let it soak in.  


9.  What book are you reading right now?

Don’t know, probably something about running or someone’s biography

The Gospel According To Coco Chanel (Karen Karbo)

Wonder Women (Debora L. Spar)

10.  What is your favorite place to vacation?


Winner winner chicken dinner…30A!  I love easy getaways to Rosemary Beach or Watercolor Beach.



And now for the “They Said” portion of this blog.  Some of my favorite quotes from Pinterest










Tell me one thing about yourself that other might not know.

Do you play a musical insturment?  How long have you played?

What book are you currently reading?


25 thoughts on “He said, She said, They said

  1. I love J’s answers! I ought to do that more with Angie. It’s amazing how much in common the four of us share. We, too, love 30A, and I love to run that oyster bed trail between seaside and SanDestin. Watercolor is our fave. Jason – I LOVE answer #4. Thanks for brightening my day.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. love your blog and the his and hers answers! i also play a musical instrument. i’ve played flute for about 14 years. i stopped playing regularly when i started attending college and i don’t play as frequently as i’d like anymore 😦

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I love “get to know you” questions. It’s fun to get some insight into who you are both from your perspective and your husband’s!

    I took piano lessons for about 8-9 years when I was growing up and played some difficult pieces. But for some reason (I guess college and responsibilities of being an adult! haha), I haven’t played in a long, long time. My parents have a piano and every once in awhile I sit down and start playing some of my favorite pieces that I used to have memorized. It’s amazing how even though I don’t remember the whole song, my fingers will remember a lot more than I think they can!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. This post was great fun, thanks for sharing! My goal for the upcoming summer is actually to start taking violin lessons. I’ve always wanted to learn to play and finally decided that 2015 is my year to start going after those things. I vacillate between biographies and thrillers. Unbroken was incredible and I’m looking forward to starting the latest Lee Child this weekend.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I’m so glad you did this, too, Jen! Love your “he said, she said” theme, as well – reminds me of the old Newlywed Game! I took piano lessons for 7 years and played in some state and national competitions until I went off to college; I love that you play violin! That’s wonderful! I’m currently reading I Will Marry George Clooney…By Christmas; it’s hilarious. Thanks for sharing!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I’m actually a professional flutist. And I just started reading Murakami’s What I talk about when i talk about running. I wanted to thank you for the baked quinoa recipe, I tried it the other day, and it turned out great.

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