
I’m skipping this week’s Friday Five, because we’re in Denver to run the North Fork 50!  We had to be at the airport before 5am.  This seemed fitting…

TSA Pre-Check…If you don’t have it, get it.  No waiting in the security line and you don’t have to take your shoes off.

All was well once we were on the plane with a Starbucks!

Of course I brought fruit with me on the plane for first breakfast.  I may or may not be part fruit bat.

What is up with the art in the Denver airport?!  This is the mural in the baggage claim. Welcome to Denver!

We went to Snooze for second breakfast.  They were so sweet and brought Corrie a birthday pancake!

We thought it would be fun idea to take a bike tour of Denver! The weather was beautiful and I loved getting to see the city.

Corrie and I were genuinely thrilled to have bells on our bicycles.

We saw the Rio Grande patio and stopped for lunch.  They had the cutest mini-margaritas!

We checked into our hotel.  They even have a little bird in the lobby! 🙂

For dinner I had the yummiest vegetable lettuce wraps and sweet potato sushi at Blue Sushi Saki Grill.

The sky opened up with huge rain and then left us with a double rainbow!  This was a great first day in Denver!


Do you ever take active tours when you’re traveling…running or bike tours?

Denver peeps: We’re staying in the LoDo area?  Any restaurant suggestions?

How early do you arrive to the airport?  Jason will get there 45 minutes early.  I like to get there at least 90 minutes early…just in case.



46 thoughts on “Denver

  1. Looks like you are having fun! Great pics! My husband travels a lot (work), and I am home with the kids–I don’t mind. When I travel, I drive to save money (4 tickets=$$$$). Looking forward to the race recap!

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  2. I love Denver! LoDo is a fun area! Snooze is one of my favorite places to go for breakfast there!

    Excited to hear about the rest of your trip and good luck on your race!

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  3. Your dinner from that sushi place looks amazing!

    It depends what airport I’m flying out of.. where I live right now I would get there 45 minutes early but where I am originally from in NJ I would get there probably 2 hours early..

    Enjoy Denver 🙂

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  4. I love exploring a new city by foot! It’s my absolute favorite way to see a new place : ) And I’m so jealous you’re in Denver.. I’ve always wanted to go – I hear it’s an absolutely beautiful city! And I always get to the airport at least 90 minutes early, mainly because flying out of LaGuardia or JFK is NEVER easy. If I’m flying with my boyfriend (not his favorite activity) we’re there at least two hours early… always good to bring a book. Good luck this weekend so excited to hear all about it!

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  5. That mural, right?!? I can’t decide if I think it’s beautiful or creepy – ha! Another friend of mine recently went the pre-check route and she LOVES it; if I traveled more, I would definitely do it. I’m so glad y’all are enjoying Denver; I haven’t been there in so long, so I’m super jealous right now! Um, Jonathan and I seem to be the reverse of you and Jason; I’m the 45 minutes early girl and he likes to be there at LEAST an hour early…ugh. HA! 😉 I’ll be thinking about you, friend; you’re going to do GREAT!

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  6. Good luck with your race!! Denver looks like such a nice place! I’m a total time freak and like to be there 2 hours before if I can, I don’t know what is but I have such anxiety about missing my plane or something going wrong. So I like to be there really early, it drives my family nuts 😉

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  7. Every Marathon I have run nausea has been a problem starting around the 20 mile mark. Something that has helped me is candied ginger! They have it at trader joe’s and it’s about the size of a date, but I break the ginger into a few pieces and pack it in my nutrition baggie for the race. They have no sugar added ginger too, but the candied actually did a better job and I figure if I’m running 26 miles, I can have a tiny sugar:) Here’s a website you may find interesting – regarding natural remedies for altitude sickness, including ginger. I cannot wait to hear about your race – Happy Running!

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  8. I usually try to do my long run while traveling so I get to see miles and miles of where I’m staying! I’ve never done a guide bike or run tour, but I think those have to be more informational. There’s something to be said for adventuring on your own, though!

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  9. I’m with you on the 90 minutes for the airport. If I get through quickly, just more time to leisurely drink my Starbucks and read my running magazines :-)…In my stridebox, there is a coupon for running tours. I have never done one but thought about doing it when I go to San Diego. I grew up there but it might be fun to do since I didn’t run when I was living there….I love fruit! I always tell my teen girls if they want any of what is currently in the house they better eat it now because I won’t guarantee I won’t eat it all!…Good Luck in your race!

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  10. TSA pre-check is the bomb! It’s nice to not have to take off shoes and unpack laptops, etc. I like to arrive about 60-90 minutes early too for better peace of mind 🙂

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  11. My husband is super Type A and likes to make sure we’re at the airport with plenty of time to spare 🙂 He also travels to Denver a lot and I’m thinking I might need to tag along soon!! Your pics and your day look fabulous!

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  12. Denver looks so beautiful! Definitely a city I want to visit. My husband and I are both the types who have to get to the airport super early. We’re usually there 90 minutes or more before and then just relax and get some coffee or drinks. I really want to do a bike or running tour of a city, traveling on foot is always the best way to explore!

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  13. Denver is my soul city! We went there in May and I already want to be back. Have fun for me and good luck on your race. You are going to rock that ultra girl!

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  14. Haha! Jason must fly a lot. 😉 I like to get to the airport two hours early, but that’s mostly because I’m crazy and enjoy the people watching a bit too much.

    And, I’m from Colorado. I have no words to explain the mural! Hah!

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