Friday Five: Boston Edition

3.  BAA Boston Marathon App.  For everyone cheering on a friend, family member, or running the race…you need to download this app!
4.  Race Advice:
You Guide to Running the Boston Marathon Like a Pro from Daily Burn…great course strategy!
Boston Marathon Course Tips for Runners from Runner’s World…great mile by mile breakdown!
Boston 365 from Fleet Feet Sports: Boston Marathon advice from Fleet Feet owners and staff
Including advice from one of my best friends, Christi Beth!!!
5.  Lastly, My Boston Goals!  Be kind…sharing race goals is a little scary!
I have started every marathon too slowly (I might be the only runner with this problem!).  Negative splits are good, but I had a 15 minute negative split in Chicago.  So, I’m going to trust my training and get into my goal pace sooner rather than later.
  • A goal: BQ (sub 3:40)
  • B goal: sub 4:00
  • C goal: finish!  If I’m having a really off day, I plan to slow down, high-five, kiss the girls, and have fun!!
I’m not a great runner…I just love to run.  I have a few nerves, but mostly I’m excited and curious for the experience.  This is BOSTON and I refuse to have a bad race!
Happy Friday to all of you and CHOOSE JOY!

64 thoughts on “Friday Five: Boston Edition

  1. Every runner is a great runner and you most definitely are a great runner!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I most definitely have the opposite problem…I go out like I stole something :). Trust your training… can do this!!!!! Setting goals can be scary, but it also challenges us to be the best we can be. I also always have that same C goal…running is tricky and any day can be an off day. I try to prepare myself for that. I love running and I want to enjoy every bit of it even on the off day :). Good luck! I will be cheering for you from MD!!!!

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  2. I always choose an A, B, and C goal too. And in my past 4 Boston’s those have been my exact same goals! 🙂 You will do great, Jen! So excited for you and all the runners. Lots of luck and happiness on the travel and your time in Boston. I hope you like it “here” ( I live one mile from Heartbreak Hill!) My plan is to cheer at the 20 mile mark but not 100% sure yet if I am going to be out there. I will look forward to your recap of the experience!

    (crazy thing is that I actually have a number from bq’ing at last year’s race but I needed a season off from training. still planning to pick up my number at the expo and I WILL return next year. WHEN you BQ, let’s plan to meet up in 2016 :))

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  3. Love this: “I refuse to have a bad race.” Amen to that attitude. Both times I’ve been to Boston, I’ve actually had awful marathons (one was the 90-degree year!) but both times, I’ve had fabulous races. How can you not?

    Thanks for including my DB article and best of luck on Monday!!!

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  4. That’s an awesome Friday 5 Jen! Best wishes and take it all in you earned and I’m super proud of you chica! xoxo those Saucony’s look so cool … makes me think of Jamaica lol 😉

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  5. I know you will crush your goals! I’m an A, B, and C goal runner, too! I know you’ll crush your goals! I can’t wait for your recap. Have the BEST time!

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  6. Goal C sounds great to me…..don’t be too caught up in your time to not be taking in everything that happens around you…enjoy the experience and the other runners….there are runs you do for time, and runs you do for the experience….When I did the Nike Women’s in San Fran, I didn’t care about time at all, and wanted to make sure I ran with my friend the whole time and had a chance to really take in the course, the people, the excitement….we crossed the finish line together….
    Boston is once in a lifetime….if you can do A and C together, great, if not, go for C !!

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  7. Hey now! You are a great runner AND you love to run! From what I’ve heard (never have been there myself) Boston is about celebrating the love of the run and that is what makes the race one of the greatest there is. That’s why you are a great runner ,because you love to run. I’m so excited to hear how the race goes for you. Represent Nashville well! 🙂

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  8. I tend to start races more conservatively as well, because I like to negative split and pass people the whole way, but I’m getting better at not starting too slow. Just remind yourself that you are ready now!

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