Progress and PT

Let’s start with last night aka Transformation Tuesday.

I posted this picture on my Instagram account. (jenchoosesjoy)  These are the finish lines from my first marathon in 2010 and this year’s Chicago Marathon.  After my first one, I didn’t think I’d ever run one again vs. how much I absolutely LOVED running Chicago this year.


I almost didn’t post the pictures and then I wondered why?  Mostly, I just don’t like the idea of before and afters.  I never actually feel like an ‘after’…more like a work in progress.  So, let’s just think of it as a progress pic and I’m proud of my progress:)

Bum Knee update: It’s still a little swollen and sore but making progress.   I ran 9 slow miles on Tuesday and 8 slow miles on Wednesday.

I went to my first PT appointment and I was really nervous.


It ended up being great!  Leah asked some great questions about my running history, stretched, poked, and prodded my legs, scraped all up and down my right quad and knee (which strangely hurt and felt great at the same time), videoed me running on the treadmill and concluded that…

I turn my knee caps inward when I run.  Who knew?  Especially my right knee.  The rest of my form was pretty good, so I have some exercises to strengthen the support muscles.  I will also be going back for more scraping.  I’m sure there’s a better term…I’ll research and get back to you:)


Random life stuff…

I got a haircut



While I was getting ready, this little nugget decided to lay in the sunny spot in front of my sink. Of course I didn’t want to disturb her sunbathing and just worked around her.

I had my favorite lunch of mâché rosettes and strawberries. It never gets old and I’m making efforts to eat a little cleaner since I’m not running as much.

I got busy making some Halloween goodies…recipe coming soon!

And don’t judge, but I was browsing through some gift shops and came across these JOY Christmas tree ornaments. I know it’s way too early, but I just has to buy them!



Don’t forget, I’m running the St. Jude Memphis Marathon to as a Hero to raise money for the St. Jude Children’s Hospital.  I, along with all of the children and families, would greatly appreciate any donation.  No family pays for their medical care, housing, travels, etc…thanks to private donations…incredible!!!  Click HERE to make a donation.



Have you ever had to got to PT?  What for and for how long?

What’s your favorite charity to support?

When do you start decorating for Christmas? I try to wait until after Thanksgiving.



Peeing On Myself


This was our coolest temp in months and it showed up just in time for my last group training run before Chicago.

Lots of Saucony Vizi!!


I’m always sad when the training ends. I love the journey so much more than the race.  And, my favorite way to run is pacing a group.  I love that Fleet Feet gives me so many opportunities to pace 🙂

Every time someone uses a search engine that sends them to my site, it shows up on my blog stats page.  Normal searches revolve around running and recipes.  This happened…


I’m not sure what is says about me or the person searching!  FYI: I never know the identity of the person, so if it was YOU, your secret is safe.

I finally bought mums for my front porch.  Lots of yellow for my planters!


After the Depot, we went to Chuy’s for my favorite guacamole taco salad.


We were both worn out and decided to stay in and use our new outdoor fireplace for the first time. I was giddy and bought the jumbo marshmallows for roasting!


Miss Caroline enjoyed the fire, too.


I will now imagine a French Cat every time I read LMAO!



We woke up to this temp…what?!!! Perfect running weather.


I did a nice easy paced run to Puckett’s where my husband met me for breakfast!!


Strawberry goodness on my oatmeal and french toast! (Yes, I ate it all)


We hit the gym together afterwards.


After roasting marshmallows on veggie skewers, we went to REI to up our roasting game…they telescope and turn at the touch of a finger!


Dinner on the Burger Up patio:  Salad with a quinoa burger on top and


Check out Jason’s onion ring tower!


At the Whole Foods we discovered Rambutan.



Of course, I bought one.  It tastes like a sweet grape.


Lastly, we ended the day with a post dinner bike ride through our hood 🙂



Do you love the training or the race more?

Onion rings or french fries?

Did you race this weekend or long run?  Tell me all about it!!!
